Sunday, May 25, 2008

A place to put dishes

The perfect house can't be complete without a place to store your pots and pans. Thats why I decided to make my 'first ever' cabinets to complete Rubens house. I have been blessed with some pretty nice tools that make things a lot easier. There are always frustrations of doing things for the first time. Especially when you want them to be perfect. Well I would say all those issues of " Fine Wood Working" paid off. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. The most important thing is Juvi has a complete kitchen now. Well almost, I still have a few more doors to make. But I am well equipped now to take on the next cabinet project (which is a little bigger) with our school kitchen. Wood working is kind of fun!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yeah for those wood working magazines coming in useful! Good thing you have a nice friend to take you to Wal Mart :)