Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bugs and Birds

These pictures don't do it justice. Within 5 min of our first night i killed 6 cockroaches, and 2 enormous spiders. Our land lord lives upstairs and they have about a dozen roosters and they all start with their noise at around 6 am. but they don't quite till around 10am. Once the first one starts then every single rooster within a 5 mile radius starts in too. It's pretty ridiculous. The mosquitoes are also really bad. The first night we stayed in Monte Llano at the team house we both got about 2 hours of sleep because we were being eatin alive. We sprayed ourselves until we were about ready to pass out from the fumes and still they wouldn't leave us alone. We now have a fan, and a net which allows us to sleep at night anyway.

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